Saturday, March 2, 2019

February Recap

Thanks to Last.FM for all of these stats.

For the month of February I had 1761 unique scrobbles, a drop of 25% from the month before. Played back to back, that would be 4 days and 19 hours of music. It equaled out to 762 artists, with each artist averaging 2.31 scrobbles per. "Rock" again took the top spot, with "Pop" and "Alternative" rounding out the top 3. 11p-12a was again the top listening hour, 12p-1p took second and 12a-1a was third. I worked a lot of evening shifts so a lot of that listening time was leading up to work.

Top 10 Songs of February

Well, we had 10 songs tie at #9. Included in the genre-bending list were The Last One Standing by Mesh, Clean Eyes by SYML, (What A) Wonderful World by Sam Cooke, and Couldn't Get It Right by Climax Blues Band. We'll just jump into #8

#8. VNV Nation - Only Satellites
I'm telling you, this song is going to be big at the year end list. I can't see it falling off.

7.  VHS Collective - Sign
I'm wondering who will challenge these two for the top spot by years end.

6.  Truslow - Vacation
I wanted to catch back up with Truslow as they were playing their first show in 3 years in town last week.

5. The Broken Relics - Don't Look Back
I think this one will be making waves by years end. I did a really cool interview with these guys earlier in the month.

4. Solitary Experiments - Epiphany
I'm not in love with their newest album, but this record definitely has held itself over time.

3. Backstreet Boys - Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely 
Okay, look. I was feeling down on Valentine's Day. This was the right thing to get me through it. It's done and gone now.

2. Truslow - ADHD
1. Truslow - Hurricane
Yeah. Like I said - I had to get ready, and the moment Hurricane played again over my speakers, I fell right back in love with it. It's a potent EP, top to bottom.

Top 10 Artists of February

10. Mesh
Always. You already know.

9. Cold
I don't even remember listening to a lot of Cold in February, but I always listen to a lot of Cold. So there's that. Lol.

8. Purity Ring
Seriously guys, I need a new Purity Ring album. Help?

7. Sam Cooke
I was feeling "oldies" for the second half of the month, with Sam and Stevie leading the way.

6. Demon Hunter
There's new Demon Hunter music on the horizon, which means you might see them grace the year end Top 20. They've made it several times before, and nothing would surprise me from those guys.

5. Jovan Karcic
This specifically was for an album review that I was doing.

4. VNV Nation
This one will be a recurring theme all year long. Lol

3. Rammstein
I'm not sure what caught me back onto R+ this month, but it was definitely an itch that needed scratched. It happens often enough, especially if I need something different.

2. Rackets and Drapes
In learning that Rackets were making a comeback, I binged on their 4 previous discs. Well worth it. I'm quite excited to see what they have in store for me.

1. Truslow
It wasn't even close this month. Should Truslow release new music this calender year, they're going to explode on this chart once more.

Thanks Last.FM!