Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Music in Motion Columbus - 2019 Complete Article List (Updated 12/31)

All of our work can be found at the Music in Motion - Columbus website.

These are my contributions.
From the archives... 

2017 articles

2018 articles


 -- another year that I spent preparing for annual inventory at work. Stay tuned!


The Wonderful Enigma That Is Wolfgang Parker
  Piece #1 on the year was an interview I did with the legendary Wolfgang Parker. We immediately hit it off and spent over 2 hours chatting about our lives in the music industry and our thoughts on things past present and future. It was a great time.

Weedhaven Laughing Academy at The Shrunken Head – 2/2/19
 It's a shame that the first concert of the year I went to was so good - the rest have a helluva bill to live up to.

Album Review - Jovan Karcic - 2015
 Rick tasked me with a curious album to review - a highly experimental piece from Columbus veteran Jovan Karcic.  It took me a few listens to really stick what I wanted to say, but in the end I enjoyed doing this one.

Searing and Contemporary, Say Hello to The Broken Relics
 I just happened to be bumbling through the 99.7 Local Stuff page when I found The Broken Relics. I immediately loved what I heard and we quickly set up this interview, which went fantastically. It's been a while since I really connected with a group of guys like that - probably since my piece on The Raquels last year. Love it!


Steadfast Festival Returns to Columbus on Saturday
I had the chance to sit down with Tuned Up! founder Ryan Getz last week to chat about the 4th year of Steafast Festival.

REVIEW – Truslow Brings a Hurricane to Rumba CafĂ©
Two years ago, I had the opportunity to meet with James from Truslow and get the scoop on his wonderful group. As time has passed, that article I wrote has continually garnered weekly views on our site at a higher rate than any other item. Incredibly, it currently sits as the most viewed article on our humble page, a fact that I did not realize until the beginning of this year. As of March 9th, it averages 54 views per month, including 35 per since it's initial month release. There's only one other article on the page that averages more than a dozen per month since it's first month. So, quite obviously, I jumped at the opportunity to link with him again.

Brave The Sea Release New Album “The Kraken” at Ace Of Cups – 3/15/19
I was quite interested in this show when Rick came to me asking if I could cover it. I jumped at the opportunity and was tasked with double duty - part one was the pirate-rock CD release show, and two...


Rat Motel Find Their Groove With New EP “Old Man Winkle”
Rat Motel was a band I covered in their infancy, and just this year they finally released a good, polished EP. Well, maybe not so polished... it's a good mashup of garage-y fuzz rock.

The Scratches Are Back and In Their Best Form
When I was at the Brave The Sea CD release, I also had the opportunity to interview a rockin' quartet called The Scratches. They ended up being another cool group of down-to-earth folks with lots of great ideas for how to make great music.

Lisa Gain Proves She’s “Worth It” With New Single
Lisa Gain was one of the first artists that played our sponsored music night over at the High Beck Tavern. I jumped at the opportunity to review some of her music.

Peeling Back The Enigma That Is Capricornus
I had the chance to meet up with an old friend in Paul Cunningham, singer for Capricornus. We talked about the older days of the Columbus scene, and what he's up to now with his new band.

Capricornus Captivate at Classic’s Victory’s Live – 4/12/19
I tell you what, the boys put on a helluva show. I would expect nothing less from 4 veterans from the local scene.

REVIEW – Ryne Meadow Reflects on Life with”There Are Clouds In The Sky”
We get a lot of random e-mails from bands outside of Columbus/Ohio, and more often than not we have to go through them with a fine-toothed comb. Is this someone actually reaching out to us, or just reaching out to any publication? Ryne happened to be one that did reach out to us, and it ended up being a really great interview.


The Broken Relics Shine on Debut EP “With Reverence”
After a stellar interview with the Relics back in February, I kept in contact with the guys and when it came time for them to release their EP, I jumped at the chance to review it. I was floored at how good every single song on it is. Just amazing stuff. I am quite sure that this band has a very high ceiling for their career.

A Roar Of Approval Greets The Broken Relics Album Release Show
Of course, I had to see it live. And they absolutely did not disappoint.


Never Boring, Go Go Buffalo Prove It with “Live In Hell”
The Buffs offered me the opportunity to review their newest effort, and I was definitely not one to turn it down. I honestly think that every GGB album should be live, going forward. They're amazing!


REVIEW – The Wonderful Complexity of Pale Grey Lore
Pale Grey Lore is actually one of the bands that got me back into the Columbus music scene. I saw them several years ago opening for Daymare at the newly christened Spacebar, and I was immediately hooked. They've only matured since then and I definitely jumped at the opportunity to review them. Doing it in a laundromat only enhanced the excellence.

Reflex Machine Link Paranoia with Reality
I just never know what I'm getting into with interviews sometimes, and with this gruesome twosome I found the "world's premiere Philip K Dick tribute band". Um, hello, only my favorite author? Excellent!

The Patchbay Music Festival Shines Positive Light On Mental Health Awareness
Perhaps the coolest thing that happened to me this summer was linking up with Kyle Jones from Patchbay Columbus about the music festival he was looking to put together. I've made so many wonderful connections, both musically and among the mental health community, since all of this came together.


REVIEW – Tourist Trap Aim To Be Flawless With New LP
The guys over at Tourist Trap were kind enough to allow us to preview their newest disc. It has been a good year for album reviews for me.

Sights, Sounds, and Real Talk from The Patchbay Music Festival
For my money, this is my crowning jewel in terms of writing. I don't think I've ever had an article that I got so much positive feedback on. It was a thrill to cover this show, to talk to the artists, and to be able to share stories that positively impact people's lives.

Breathe In Deeply The Brotherly Essence of Rat Motel
The boys in Rat Motel have grown and matured since I first met them two years ago, and it was quite cool to be able to put their story to paper.  From a musical standpoint, both of the brothers are geniuses, and I wish I could have spent an entire day picking their brains.

PREMIERE – Framed by Reflex Machine
After meeting with the guys from Reflex Machine back in July, I had a thousand ideas for them, but the first that immediately bubbled up was premiering one of their new songs. Of course, we stumbled over a ton of technical difficulties getting it to work, but it was still pretty cool to score this honor.


A Conversation with Josh Kibbey as Kibbey Context presents “Detroit Night”
Josh Kibbey has long been a friend of Music in Motion and reached out to me to do a preview for a unique idea he had for putting together a show.

Album Review – Letters of Transit “Theme and Variation”
Letters of Transit are some seriously cool dudes, and I wish they would play out more. I was super excited to be able to review their new EP, titled "Theme and Variation"


Experience the Oddyssy of Electro Cult Circus’ “Mystery Box”
Speaking of cool folks, ECC were the first band I ever helped interview for Music in Motion. I actually participated in their contest to find the "Mystery Box" and ended up winning, leading to a wonderful bevy of prizes. Later Rick reached out to me to see if I'd be able to review the record. How do you review something so unique??

Defining Cleveland’s Grumpy Plum
A really cool thing about Music in Motion is getting to meet bands from outside of Columbus. I saw Grumpy Plum open for The Broken Relics a few months ago, and had been itching to link back up with them again. We spent almost 2 hours talking and I had to whittle all of that into an article. Seriously, loads of fun!


Pale Grey Lore Explore The End with New Album “Eschatology”
Pale Grey Lore still stand near the top of the best bands in Columbus. To review their album was an absolute pleasure, and fortunately it was 100% kick ass.

Shining The Spotlight on Forever Unknown
One of the hottest names in Columbus is a group of 16 year olds. How wild is that? They won a contest to open for a national act, have played a few festivals, and are releasing their first EP to the world this month.

Forever Unknown Trips The Light Fantastic at Big Room Bar
Even though I had already seen them twice, I had to go see them again and do a review. These kids are about to move mountains in Columbus, and hopefully across the state and maybe even the world.


Deconstructing the Chaos of Dayton’s Dark Machine Nation
I had hoped to get more articles done in December, but I settled on an interview with my friend Matt, aka Dark Machine Nation. I first saw him open for Assemblage 23, and have been an avid follower of his project ever since.

That's all for now! Keep your eyes on the Music in Motion Columbus page for more great reviews and articles from and our entire team! Support Local!