Tuesday, December 8, 2020

The 2020 Jester One Music Top 20 Countdown - #13

 #13. Slimfit - Pineapple Pizza

Another local act to grace this years Countdown, Slimfit are a 3 piece, upbeat pop punk act from Columbus who I knew I was going to love when I saw song titles like "Captain Insane-O", "Homer Simpson, Smiling Politely" and "I'm Scuba Sam, Scuba Steve's Father". One of my writers did a review for their newest album and it's a fast-paced, grimy rocker that'll kick out any bad feelings you have. Their sound is comparable to FIDLAR, Reptar and local "bbq-rock" outfit Courtney From Work. Thank goodness for rock'n'roll, right? Fun music is exactly what we needed in this crazy pandemic-ridden year. There's no way that I could write a blurb that is as exciting or in-depth as Peter's initial interview with the band, but I'll definitely try my best for this specific song.

Somewhere along the internet age, it became a bad thing to have pineapple on pizza. I grew up eating Hawaiian pizza, and everyone I knew liked it as well. There was never any controversy; any time pizza was ordered anywhere I was, there was always Hawaiian. As the internet often does, a bunch of people collectively decide something is right or wrong and tons of people just fall in line. I honestly believe that most people who don't like it have never actually tried it. As it stands, I've ordered pineapple with a wide variety of other ingredients on pizza, my favorite being with bacon and black olives. Call it "the Jester", I guess? Well, Slimfit's singer Josh Davis agrees with me (although his bandmates disagree), and centered their last song on their newest EP There's Never A Reason Not To Party around that idea. Truthfully, it's a song about getting along with each other and getting through this life... and liking pineapple on pizza. Why not, right? The pace is torrid and the song is over before you even knew what hit you. It also has an amusing breakdown moment where Davis jumps in too early, clears his throat and screams.

Favorite Line: "Just wanna rock, I wanna live - don't want my friends to live in fear. Just want a place where I can meet ya, and put pineapples on my pizza"

Title: Pineapple Pizza
Artist: Slimfit
Album: There's Never A Reason Not To Party

Previous 13s
2019: Vesperteen - Operate

2018: Marshmello & Bastille - Happier
2017: Greeley Estates - Calling All The Hopeless
2016: Mad Anthony - Sad Songs (ft Steve Wethington)
2015: Passion Pit - Lifted Up (1985)
2014: Beartooth - Beaten In Lips
2013: The Mowgli's - San Francisco
2012: Veil of Maya - Punisher
2011: Red - Feed the Machine
2010: Haste the Day - White as Snow
2009: Gorilla Zoe - Echo

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