Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Jester One Music - Top Local Songs of the Decade: 40-31

I've decided to make a list of my 40 favorite local songs of the last decade! I decided to stick with the smaller acts for this list. I love bands like House of Heroes, The National, The Devil Wears Prada and Relient K, but I wanted to focus on smaller acts here. 

40. Emily Keener - Lorelei
Album:  Breakfast (2016)
Location: Cleveland

Emily Keener was featured on The Voice back in 2016, when she was all of 16 years old. You listen to this song and tell me she's 16 years old. It's cute while still being poignant and relevant to any age bracket.

39. The Skashank Redemption -  Whatever Happened?
Album: To Victory! (2013) 
Location: Columbus

It's a shame Skashank broke up a few years ago. This album is absolute gold, even if their sophomore effort didn't hold up. It's such a fleeting genre, as addressed by the song. I saw them open for Five Iron Frenzy (with House of Heroes, damn what a show) several years ago and they were as good as the headliners.

38.  Maelstrom Magnet - I Wouldn't Stop Ya
Album:  I Wouldn't Stop ya (2017)
Location: Columbus

I did an interview with Mael a few years ago, and we talked about mental health. Last year she moved away from Ohio and deactivated all of her band activities without much warning. It's a real bummer - I enjoyed listening to her and I still play around with this song from time to time.

37. Digisaurus - Without Me
Album: No More Room For Love (2015)
Location: Columbus

Digisaurus hangs out in LA these days, trying to make a bigger and better name for himself. Right after this album came out, someone played this song as a Guest DJ on CD102.5. It's a great poppy bouncy number that leaves you wanting more.

36. Erica Blinn - Whiskey Kisses
Album: Lovers In The Dust (2014)
Location: Columbus

I miss watching Erica perform. I think I saw her 3 or 4 times at random bars at random times before she shipped off to Nashville. She has a fantastic voice and is such a cool cat. This is one of those songs that I never seem to put on intentionally, but it pops up in playlists and I always enjoy it.

35. Label Me Lecter - Someday
Album: Dreams (2018)
Location: Columbus

I will always be grateful for CD102.5 and their local gems they play every hour. There are some bands on there that even I might not have found working in the scene. This album is great, and I'm expecting some huge things from these two dudes going forward.

34. Two Cow Garage - Jackson, Don't You Worry
Album: Sweet Saint Me (2010)
Location: Columbus

Both Shane and Micah from Two Cow Garage are insanely talented musicians and songwriters, so it's no surprise that TCG was so big, at least around these parts. This song is a throwback to the mellow early times of this decade for me.

33.  Threat Level Midnight - Gullible
Album: Threat Level Midnight (2018)
Location: Hilliard

The demo version of this song is what initially turned me onto this band. I remember hearing it and telling myself that if they could find some good production, they could be a helluva band. I didn't realize they were high-schoolers at the time, lol. What a cool bunch of kids they were.

32.  Forever Unknown - Bury Me
Album: Study Hall (2019)
Location: Columbus

This year's group of amazing high-schoolers for me is Forever Unknown, possibly the youngest collective band I've ever met. If you saw me dancing with tears on my face in my car at any point in the last few months, it was probably to this song.

31. The Raquels - Just A Txt
Album: Just A Txt (2017)
Location: Columbus

Arguably the most fun interview I've ever had with Music In Motion, the Raquels have started releasing new music again and are poised to push the envelope even further in 2020. Just A Txt is one of their songs with the sultry Gabe Ritz on vocals.

#'s 30-21 coming soon, stay tuned!!

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