Monday, December 2, 2019

The 2019 Jester One Music Top 20 Countdown - #19

#19. Sigrid - Sucker Punch

Sigrid is a Norwegian pop singer with catchy dance hooks and a quirky voice that slithers into your brain and wraps around your eardrums. Her debut album Sucker Punch reached #3 on the Billboard Heatseekers chart while climbing to #1 in her home country. Most of the songs are fairly repetitive but are lyrically strong enough to hold their own water. I couldn't give you another song that really stuck with me throughout 2019, but on the other hand I don't have much negative to say about her.

Sucker Punch is a song that just about anyone can relate to - being hit out of nowhere by love. Sigrid's accent is what sets this song apart from other similarly written songs. The synths bounce around with lots of twinkles and crackles in the song. It's really just a fun song that has a chorus that sticks with you. I can remember many mornings waking up with that dang chorus stuck in my head. I honestly didn't even listen to this song as much as I did most of the others on the Countdown, but it's a great driving and dancing song with relevant lyrics. Take note, pop music - this is much better formula than the one you're wrapped up in these days. The video has Sigrid dancing in different locations. She's cute, quirky and fun. As much as it is weird for me to love a pop star, I think she's great.

Favorite Line: "Just one look and I'm out of touch - I'm freaking out cuz I'm scared it might end bad, but I still come back for that sucker punch"

Title: Sucker Punch
Artist: Sigrid

Album: Sucker Punch

Previous #19s
2018: Rick Springfield - In The Land of the Blind
2017: The Head and the Heart - Rhythm & Blues
2016: Metric - The Shade
2015: The Frozen Ocean - Kerosene
2014: Destiny Potato - Take A Picture
2013: Relient K - PTL
2012: Silversun Pickups - Bloody Mary (Nerve Endings)
2011: The Knux - Razorblade
2010: Demon Hunter - Collapsing (ft Bjorn Strid)
2009: Parachute - She Is Love

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