Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Jester One Music - Top Local Songs of the Decade: 20-11

I've decided to make a list of my 40 favorite local songs of the last decade! I decided to stick with the smaller acts for this list. I love bands like House of Heroes, The National, The Devil Wears Prada and Relient K, but I wanted to focus on smaller acts here. 

#s 40-31 can be found here
#s 30-21 can be found here

20. Van Dale - Bed of Bricks (Isn't It)
Album: Van Dale (2013)
Location: Columbus

The ultimate mellow out, kick you in the rocks song. Van Dale are what a bunch of great 90s fuzz-rock bands like Hum would sound like in the 2010s. Something about this song always catches me, and I've never ever been able to put my finger on it. I think it might be because it literally sounds like Hum. Haha.

19. Miller and the Hunks - Gravity
Album: And Jeff, Pt 1 (2017)
Location: Columbus 

The most polarizing group of 2019 on this list, for all the wrong reasons, unfortunately. This song is tremendous, and every time I've seen it performed live I've had it stuck in my head for days. Colin Miller doesn't have the voice you'd expect for a rock star, but I think that's what makes his voice so great.

18. Fashion Week - Tell Me Something
Album: Tell Me Something (2018)
Location: Columbus

Make it two for Fashion Week. This song is a bass-driven life anthem for me, even moreso since the passing of Pastor Simon. Coincidentally, Jason and the boys also go to church there. This song has filled me up in the most empty times of my life and has pushed me through tougher times than I could ever imagine.

17. Graceful Closure - Choices
Album: Rév
Location: Columbus

One of those oddities where I don't necessarily like the band or their music, but I love the one song. Graceful Closure are a huge deal around here and recently broke up, but have reformed and are looking to tackle 2020 in a new act called Euvoia. I can only assume it will be similar, but I love surprises :)

16. Mary Lynn - Space
Album: My Animal (2016)
Location: Columbus

When we started Music in Motion, Mary Lynn was one of the first bands I told Rick we had to do a feature on. I'm beyond stoked that she's finally working on a new record that will hopefully be out in 2020! Her voice is what really makes the band soar, and the talented group around her know how to keep things rolling.


15. Truslow - Liar
Album: Truslow (2013)
Location: Columbus

You just try and not sing along when James goes "cuz you're a li-i-i-i-iaaar". You can't. It's impossible. He's the absolute KANG of writing choruses. Never even mind how great the lyrics and music are! Is there anything musically this dude cannot do?

14. The Lovebenders - All About This
Album: Crime & Poetry (2011) 
Location: Columbus

When they formed, The Lovebenders were out to change the way great music was written. They went in a few different musical directions over their lifespan, and sadly announced they were hanging things up for good just yesterday. Crime & Poetry is definitely a gem, and I hope that the members continue making music in the future.

13. Daymare - Bleed Out
Album: Daymare (2016)
Location: Columbus

Daymare is the band that brought me back to Columbus music, in a huge way. I'd known Dustin for ages and I was glad that I found him again in this band. This song is absolutely colossal, and with good reason got a LOT of play in Columbus radio when it was released. Also, this video doesn't make a damn lick of sense because Austin is playing patty-cake with his drum-set. It's just not realistic.

12. The Orphan, The Poet - Starlight
Album: Starlight (2014)
Location: Dayton

So... apparently something happened between TOTP's old lineup and their current ensemble, that prevents them for having this song shared anywhere. I chatted with them online earlier this year about it and apparently it's not something that is to be discussed. That is most unfortunate, because it's an absolute gem and a song that I listened to on repeat for several years. Heck, you might not even believe it exists outside of the fact that its lyrics are still out there. The band also calls Columbus their hometown now.


11. Vesperteen - Medicine
Album: The Hype Is Dead (2018) 
Location: Columbus 

I mean, you ever just know? That first time when you hear a song and it just rattles your bones? Yeah, that's Medicine. I wish Colin nothing but the best now that he's signed to a semi-major label. Hopefully he will still wield enough creative control to make more gems like this!

#'s 19-10 coming soon, stay tuned!!

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