Sunday, December 2, 2018

The 2018 Jester One Music Top 20 Countdown - #19

#19. Rick Springfield - In The Land of the Blind

Needless to say, I don't think I ever assumed Rick Springfield would be on my Countdown. Yes, that's the same Springfield of "Jessie's Girl" fame, a song of which I am intimately familiar. That was 1981, and Springfield hasn't had a charting hit 2005. Springfield is still chugging away - album #17 dropped when he was a ripe 68 years old. Long removed from 4 consecutive platinum records, he still sounds and looks like a much younger man. I suppose it's fitting to have something Jesse related in the countdown, eh?

The Snake King is a rather dark record, spending a lot of time questioning the evils of the world and the existence of God. It has a more bluesier feel to most of the songs than previous Springfield records, but all in all it's a solid record. "In The Land of the Blind" seems to be taking shots at the president and other leaders around the world, with each pressing lyric weighing heavier than the one before. The guitars just keep going and going and your feet just keep tapping and tapping. It really is a great track, but at 4:51 is runs just a little long to be one that I could really love at the end of the year.  The video follows 2 girls who have run away from home and are traveling through the desert.

Favorite line: "You're looking for someone to lead you through this, I'm standing here let's do this, throw my hat into the ring"

Title: In The Land of the Blind
Artist: Rick Springfield

Album: The Snake King

Previous #19s
2017: The Head and the Heart - Rhythm & Blues
2016: Metric - The Shade
2015: The Frozen Ocean - Kerosene
2014: Destiny Potato - Take A Picture
2013: Relient K - PTL
2012: Silversun Pickups - Bloody Mary (Nerve Endings)
2011: The Knux - Razorblade
2010: Demon Hunter - Collapsing (ft Bjorn Strid)
2009: Parachute - She Is Love

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